Friday, June 20, 2014

Links for things I like, Info, and Tips.

Welcome! Today I will be using a new font. I'd like your opinion on this, and if I should continue using it.

I'll give some links on the things I'll talk about.

First of all, I have something I want to link you to,for those of you who like Animal Jam. You can find it here.

And now a link for those of you who like cats! Nyaaa!

For those of you who like dancing, click here.

For those of you who like singing, click right heeeereeeeeeee.

Info time!

-Info about Animal Jam-

Here's a copy of a page from the Animal Jam Wiki. Find this page here if you want proof I didn't make it.

"The Bow and Arrows are one of the most commonly seen items in Jamaa; getting them is a completely different story. Both rare and un-rare version of them is highly coveted. It is a weapon that can be worn by either members or non-members, making it one of the most popular items.  


The very first version of Bow and Arrows appeared as 2011 Jamaalidays gifts. These bows are consider rarer over the years. Around November 2012 some bow and arrows were labeled with rare tag. The second set of Bow and Arrows was released in 2012. They have different coloration and are not labeled as "rare" by AJHQ or jammers. However, they are also popular.

2011 Rare Bow and Arrows

The bow and arrows arrived in the Jamaalidays both flexible and bright; as seen below, there were a myriad of colors available. This included the original blue (on the side of the page), green, lime green, orange, pink, neon blue, purple, copper, silver, and a white/gray medley. Despite all bows in differnet colors are considered equally rare,  there is one type of bow that is cosidered 'rarer'; The raspberry bows, due to few jammers having seen these miscolored bows - they are a deep

Rare Raspberry bows
purplish pink. The black and lime green bows have so far only been distributed for 2012, and the copper and silver only for 2011. The black, white/gray and blue bow and arrows tend to be most common, while the green and purple have never been glimpsed to most Jammers. There is a controversial topic on the brown bow and arrows but because the claims of seeing this unusual colored weapon describes a bow and arrows very similar to one of the orange bow and arrows, the speculations have been squashed. It is, however, likely that some arrows were discolored when first given as gifts on the Jamaalidays. Bows are often used by clan members, along with fox hats/raccoon hats; they are more commonly used than swords. These type of bow can be won in adventure when opening animal gates in hard mode. The Arctic Wolf gate in Return of the Phantom and Tiger gate in Meet Cosmo are confirmed to reward Rare Bows in random colors.

Clothing? Type?
Rare Version? Yes
Beta stage? No
All-jammers? Yes
Other Variants? Yes 
Price? Gift
Sold Where? Gift and trades
Pictures in slideshow courtesy of

Picture 3
The expensive and fairly unpopular golden bow and arrows.
One more type of bow and arrows appeared on May 4, 2012 to the joy of many Jammers. However, to non-members, this joy was short-lived. The new golden bow and arrows costs 4500 gems, a hefty sum, and can only be bought and worn by members. Many Jammers, including members, shun the golden weapon because of it not being the authentic archery tool given out at the earlier date. The golden bows and arrows are located in the Epic Wonders shop in the Coral Canyons. In December 24, 2012, new Bow and Arrows were released to the game. Starting in November, all of the bows from 2011's Jamaalidays were turned "rare" by AJHQ. Many people with "Rare" Bow and Arrows say their bow and arrow is way better than the new ones. Many Jammers report these as mean Jammers. The new colors are lime green and black. Silver and copper bows were not distributed in 2012, while the lime green and black were added. Many Jammers adore these new colors.
In 2013, when the adventures were released, many Jammers reported winning Rare Bows on Hard Mode of Return of the Phantoms. It has been confirmed you can win these on the first adventure when you do not lose many lives.

Screenshot (116)
All the variations of rare bow and arrows, including the extra rare raspberry one.


  • It is the only non-member weapon besides the Slingshot and Pirate Sword.
  • The non-rare version was a Jamaaliday Daily gift on December 23rd 2012 and 2013.
  • Many people trick new jammers into thinking that the Jamaaliday ones are rare and are used for scams. To see if it's really a rare bow, check for the "rare" symbol and the different colorations. 
  • The neon bow actually does exist, however there has only been a few people spotted with one.
  • There are non-rare versions given out during the Jamaalidays with paler colorations.
  • The rarest coloration is the magenta/raspberry bow and arrows.
  • The long bow is a possibly unreleased version of the bow and arrows that very few Jammers have."

Also, I have some tips for life...(not that you don't have your own tips, aha)

Do NOT ever, and I mean EVER try to scam on ANY SITE.

Whether be Animal Jam to a they say, ''Don't try to get away with something you're not sure of''.

Try to experience everything you can! (Except being bullied, being a bully yourself, etc...) Experiencing all the new possibilities is something that makes me who I am now~~ ^-^

Live YOUR life to the fullest. If you don't, who will you be when you die? Nothing. So go do everything (except being a bully, scamming, and etc.) you can!

And last of all...

Be who you are! If you hide a cute, bubbly person behind a diva, nobody will like you! You'll need friends who like you for who you are, so be who you are, or they won't like you when you reveal your true personality!


This article uses material from the "Bow and Arrows" article on the Animal Jam Wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License

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